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Spline Course: 3D Modelling, Animating and Web Integration

Spline Course: 3D Modelling, Animating and Web Integration

Master 3D modeling and animating with Spline Design. Unleash your creativity and become a successful 3D designer.

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Spline is an intuitive 3D design tool tailored for those who want to create interactive 3D models without the need for advanced technical expertise. While tools like Blender or Autodesk Maya offer deep, feature-rich experiences, they often have steep learning curves. Spline, in contrast, provides a more accessible platform for 3D creation, especially for artists, designers, and developers aiming to bring 3D content to the web or integrate it with apps.

This course will guide you through the key aspects of 3D modeling, animating, and how to integrate these creations into the web using Spline.

Part 1: 3D Modeling in Spline

1.1 Introduction to the Spline Interface

Before diving into creating models, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the Spline interface. Upon launching Spline, you’re greeted with a clean and intuitive UI. Here's a brief breakdown:

  • Canvas: This is the primary workspace where you’ll be building your 3D models.
  • Tools Panel: On the left, you’ll find the main tools for selecting, transforming, and manipulating objects.
  • Inspector: To the right, you’ll have access to an object's properties, where you can modify its appearance, dimensions, and more.
  • Layers Panel: Like many design tools, Spline uses layers to manage different elements in your scene.

1.2 Basic Shapes and Modifiers

The foundation of any 3D model in Spline begins with basic shapes. Spline offers a range of primitives, including:

  • Cube
  • Sphere
  • Cylinder
  • Torus
  • Plane

These primitive shapes can be dragged into the canvas and then scaled, rotated, or transformed using the tools in the Tools Panel. To start, let’s create a simple 3D cube:

  1. Drag the cube primitive into the canvas.
  2. Use the Move Tool to position it anywhere on the canvas.
  3. Scale and rotate the cube using the Scale and Rotate Tools to give it a more unique look.

Once you have your basic shape, Spline allows you to apply modifiers to change the appearance or behavior of the object. These modifiers include:

  • Bevel: Rounds the edges of your object.
  • Subdivisions: Increases the number of polygons in your object, making it smoother.
  • Transformations: Skew, bend, and stretch your model to fit the desired design.

1.3 Materials and Textures

With your basic shape in place, the next step is to give it some life using materials and textures. In Spline, you can apply different materials to objects to control how they look and interact with light.

  1. Select your object, then navigate to the Inspector panel.
  2. Under the Material section, choose from a variety of pre-built material types (e.g., matte, glossy, metallic).
  3. You can further tweak properties such as color, roughness, and reflectivity.

To add textures:

  • Upload an image or a texture map and apply it to your object’s surface. Spline allows for basic UV mapping so that your textures align properly.

Part 2: Animating in Spline

2.1 Keyframe Animation

Spline supports basic keyframe animations, allowing you to animate properties such as position, rotation, and scale over time. To create an animation:

  1. Select your object.
  2. In the Inspector, you’ll find an Animation section.
  3. Click the + button next to any property (like position) to add a keyframe.
  4. Move the playhead in the timeline and adjust the property to create another keyframe.
  5. Press Play to preview the animation.

This method lets you animate objects moving across the screen, rotating, or even scaling up or down.

2.2 Timing and Easing

Smooth animations often depend on proper timing and easing. Spline allows you to control the speed of animations by adjusting the duration of transitions between keyframes. Easing functions (e.g., linear, ease-in, ease-out) add more natural motion to your animations, making them appear less robotic.

To adjust easing:

  • After adding keyframes, click on the interpolation curve between them and choose the type of easing you prefer (such as "ease-in" for a slow start or "ease-out" for a smooth stop).

2.3 Looping Animations

Looping is essential when you want to create animations that continuously run, such as a rotating globe or a bouncing ball. In the timeline, simply enable the Loop option to repeat your animations indefinitely.

Part 3: Web Integration

3.1 Exporting Your 3D Model

Once your model and animations are complete, the next step is to export your creation for web integration. Spline makes this process straightforward, offering several options:

  1. Embed Code: For web developers, Spline provides an option to export your 3D scene as an embeddable code snippet. You can copy this code and paste it into your website's HTML to render the 3D content directly in the browser.

  2. GLTF/GLB Export: GLTF and GLB are popular formats for 3D web assets, widely supported by libraries like three.js and Babylon.js. These formats ensure optimized loading and rendering times for web applications.

  3. Interactive Embed: Spline offers the ability to export scenes as interactive embeds, which can be placed on websites to allow users to interact with the 3D objects (e.g., rotate, zoom).

3.2 Adding Interactivity with JavaScript

To make your 3D models more interactive, you can integrate them with JavaScript. For example, you can trigger animations or change model properties based on user actions such as clicks, mouse movements, or scroll events.

Here’s a simple example of using JavaScript to trigger an animation in Spline:

const scene = new Spline.Scene("path/to/your/spline/file"); document.getElementById('trigger').addEventListener('click', () => {'your-animation'); });

This approach allows for deeper integration, making your 3D content responsive to user input, which is critical for web-based interactive experiences.

3.3 Integrating with Web Frameworks

If you're building a web app using popular frameworks like React or Vue, you can still integrate Spline content smoothly. For instance, with React, embedding a Spline model would involve:

import React from 'react'; function MySplineModel() { return ( <div> <iframe src="path/to/your/spline/embed" style={{ width: '100%', height: '500px' }}></iframe> </div> ); } export default MySplineModel;

By using iframes or embedding methods provided by Spline, you can integrate 3D models into most modern web applications, enhancing the user experience with interactive visuals.

3.4 Performance Optimization

When embedding 3D content on the web, performance is a critical concern. Large models or overly complex scenes can slow down page loading times or cause lag during interactions. To avoid this:

  • Optimize models: Reduce polygon count and use lower resolution textures whenever possible.
  • Lazy loading: Only load the 3D model when it's needed or visible on the screen (e.g., using IntersectionObserver in JavaScript).
  • Use compressed textures: Compressed texture formats (like JPEG or WebP) can significantly reduce loading times.

Part 4: Real-World Applications

3D content is increasingly becoming a staple of modern web design, especially in fields such as:

  • E-commerce: Allow users to view products from all angles or interact with 3D models of products before purchasing.
  • Education: Build interactive learning modules with 3D visuals that students can explore and engage with.
  • Gaming: Integrate lightweight 3D assets into browser-based games.
  • Portfolio Websites: Showcase 3D models of designs, products, or art in a visually striking manner.


Spline offers a robust platform for artists, designers, and developers to create and animate 3D models, with seamless integration into web projects. By mastering its tools for modeling, animating, and embedding, you can bring your creations to life in interactive, web-friendly formats. Whether you're looking to enhance user experience on websites or add a dynamic edge to your apps, Spline provides an approachable and powerful solution to 3D web design.

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