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Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints: Step-by-Step Space Shooter Game

Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints: Step-by-Step Space Shooter Game

Design Your Own Space Shooter Game with the Unreal Engine 5 Blueprint System

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Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) is a powerful game development platform that allows users to create complex games and simulations. Its Blueprints system provides a visual scripting language that allows you to program without needing to write traditional code, making it more accessible to people new to programming. This guide will take you step-by-step through the process of creating a simple space shooter game using Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Unreal Project

  1. Download and Install Unreal Engine 5: Before starting, make sure you have the latest version of Unreal Engine 5 installed. You can download it from the Epic Games Launcher. Once installed, launch the engine.

  2. Create a New Project:

    • From the Unreal Engine project browser, click on the "Games" template.
    • Select the Blank template to start from scratch.
    • Make sure the "Blueprint" option is selected (instead of "C++"), as we'll be using visual scripting throughout this guide.
    • Name your project "SpaceShooter" and set a location for saving the project. Once done, click "Create".

Step 2: Setting Up the Player's Ship

Now that your project is ready, let's create the player's ship.

  1. Create a New Blueprint Class:

    • Right-click in the Content Browser, go to Blueprint Class, and select Pawn (since our ship will be controlled by the player).
    • Name this new blueprint BP_PlayerShip.
  2. Add a Static Mesh Component:

    • Open the newly created BP_PlayerShip. In the Components panel, click Add Component and choose Static Mesh. This will represent the player's ship.
    • In the Static Mesh settings, assign a spaceship mesh to the component (you can import a custom spaceship mesh, or use one of Unreal's default meshes like a simple cube or cylinder for testing purposes).
  3. Add Movement Components:

    • Still in the Components panel, add a Floating Pawn Movement component. This will allow the player ship to move around.
    • Set the movement speed by adjusting the values for "Max Speed" and "Acceleration" in the Details panel of the Floating Pawn Movement component.

Step 3: Setting Up Player Input

Next, we'll define how the player will control the ship using the keyboard.

  1. Setup Input in the Project Settings:

    • Go to Edit > Project Settings, and under the Input section, add new Action Mappings and Axis Mappings.
      • For the Action Mappings, create one named Fire and assign it to the Space Bar.
      • For the Axis Mappings, create mappings for MoveUp (W and S keys) and MoveRight (A and D keys). Assign positive and negative values to represent forward/backward and left/right movement respectively.
  2. Implement Input in BP_PlayerShip:

    • Open the BP_PlayerShip blueprint, and in the Event Graph, set up nodes to handle input.
    • For movement:
      • Add an InputAxis MoveUp node and connect it to an Add Movement Input node. Plug the Axis Value into the "Scale Value" input, and set the World Direction to (1, 0, 0) for forward/backward movement.
      • Repeat for the MoveRight axis, but set the World Direction to (0, 1, 0) for left/right movement.

Step 4: Firing Projectiles

To make the game more exciting, we need to implement a firing system that allows the player to shoot projectiles.

  1. Create the Projectile Blueprint:

    • Right-click in the Content Browser, create a new Actor Blueprint, and name it BP_Projectile.
    • In BP_Projectile, add a Static Mesh or Sphere Component to represent the projectile.
    • Add a Projectile Movement Component to give it motion. Set the initial speed and other properties in the Details panel (e.g., Initial Speed = 2000).
  2. Set Up Firing in BP_PlayerShip:

    • Open BP_PlayerShip, and in the Event Graph, add an InputAction Fire node.
    • Use a Spawn Actor from Class node to spawn BP_Projectile when the Fire action is triggered. Set the spawn location to be slightly in front of the player's ship using an offset.
    • Make sure to specify the correct spawn rotation, so the projectile moves forward relative to the ship.

Step 5: Creating Enemy Ships

Now that the player can move and shoot, let's add enemies to the game.

  1. Create the Enemy Ship Blueprint:

    • Right-click in the Content Browser, create a new Pawn Blueprint, and name it BP_EnemyShip.
    • Add a Static Mesh component to represent the enemy ship.
    • In the Event Graph, create logic for moving the enemy ship downward (towards the player) by using the Add Movement Input node. Set the World Direction to (1, 0, 0) and provide a constant value for the speed.
  2. Set Up Enemy Spawning:

    • Create a new Actor Blueprint and name it BP_EnemySpawner. This will be responsible for periodically spawning enemies in random locations.
    • In BP_EnemySpawner, add a Timer node in the Event Graph that triggers the spawning of enemies at regular intervals.
    • Use a Spawn Actor from Class node to spawn BP_EnemyShip. Use Get Random Float in Range to set random X or Y positions to make the game more dynamic.

Step 6: Handling Collisions

For the game to be functional, we need to handle interactions like bullets hitting enemies and enemies colliding with the player's ship.

  1. Projectile and Enemy Collision:

    • In BP_Projectile, add a Box Collider (or any other collision component) around the projectile.
    • In BP_EnemyShip, add a Box Collider around the enemy ship.
    • Use the On Component Hit event in BP_Projectile to detect when it hits an enemy. When this happens, destroy both the projectile and the enemy ship using the Destroy Actor node.
  2. Enemy and Player Collision:

    • In BP_PlayerShip and BP_EnemyShip, add appropriate collision components.
    • In BP_EnemyShip, use the On Component Hit event to detect when it collides with the player's ship. Trigger logic to reduce the player's health, and if health reaches zero, end the game.

Step 7: Game Over and UI

The final steps include adding a simple user interface (UI) to display the player's score and health.

  1. Create a HUD Blueprint:
    • Right-click in the Content Browser, create a Widget Blueprint, and name it BP_GameHUD.
    • Design the layout to include the player's health and score.
  2. Display HUD in the Game:
    • Open BP_PlayerShip, and in the Event Graph, add a node to create and display BP_GameHUD at the beginning of the game using the Create Widget and Add to Viewport nodes.

Step 8: Final Touches

  1. Add Sound and Visual Effects:

    • Import sound effects for firing, explosions, and background music. Play these sounds using Play Sound at Location nodes when appropriate events (like firing or collisions) occur.
    • Add particle effects for explosions when enemies are destroyed.
  2. Polish and Testing:

    • Test your game by playing through several times. Adjust movement speeds, projectile behavior, and enemy spawning rates to balance the game and improve the gameplay experience.


Congratulations! You've built a basic space shooter game using Unreal Engine 5 and Blueprints. This project introduces you to several essential concepts in game development, such as player movement, input handling, collision detection, and UI management. From here, you can expand the game by adding new enemy types, power-ups, more complex levels, or improving the visuals.

The beauty of Unreal Engine's Blueprints is that you can rapidly prototype and iterate without writing traditional code, making it an excellent tool for both beginners and experienced developers alike. Happy game development!

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